Thursday, March 1, 2012

Another story must begin

I thought it would be time to tell a little about my history with musicals.

My story begins at the end of 2006. I was watching AMVs (Anime Music Videos) on YouTube when there was a video with a song that stucked in my head. I just played it on repeat for goodness knows how many times.
Nowadays I can’t stand the version of that song. It was from The Phantom of the Opera (2004). And it was the title song.
Well I continued my Phantom-obsession. I read the original book by Gaston Leroux. And then I got to see the movie.

I loved it back then. It’s visually beautiful movie. And the score. I still love Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music. But the singers aren’t that great.

It was the start of the great obsession. I continued with The Phantom of the Opera. I got to listen the Original London cast Recording, but back then I didn’t like it. Nowadays I love it. Michael Crawford makes awesome Phantom. The Phantom of the Opera was my first musical. And it’s still my favorite musical.

In July 2010 I travelled to London. To West End. For the first time. I saw only one show but it changed everything.
Guess twice which musical I saw. Yes, it was The Phantom. And that night was perfect. I’ve been a huge fan of Gina Beck since that day. She was Christine on that night. Other wise the show just blew my mind.

In the summer 2010 I heard that Wicked would be in Finland in autumn. I wasn’t that interested. But when I heard that many people had liked it, I decided to go to watch it. In January 2011 I saw it in Helsinki citytheatre. Maybe I will write someday about the change that Wicked made in me. Well, it was great to see that musical again in May.

In autumn 2011 I saw couple of musicals. Next to Normal, Les Misérables, The Sound of Music, Striking 12, the 25th Anniversary of The Phantom of the Opera... Since September 2011 I’ve seen at least one musical per month. Some of them have made me think of myself and what I want to be. One of them made an awesome adventure in my life.
Next time I’ll go to see Tanz der Vampire (Dance of the Vampires) in Seinäjoki. Then it’s time for Kristina från Duvemåla. And then? Some great musicals in autumn (like Jesus Christ Superstar, Next to Normal in Vaasa, HAIR, Aladdin and RENT).


  1. PoTO ekaa kertaa juonesta mitään tietämättä Lontoossa - aivot meinas räjähtää. :D

    Hmm, mä voisin tehdä jollekki erillisille sivulle blogiini kaikki musikaalit mitä oon nähny ja mitä oon näkemässä. Siinä vähän illalle hupia sarjiksen jälkeen...

    Musikaali kuussa hyvä, kuusi parempi... ;) Mut oikeesti, kannatan!


    1. No, ilman mitään bootlegejä tai muita kuin OLC ja elokuvan soundtrack katsomaan PotOa => MIND BLOWN. Syvää rakkautta ensi silmäyksestä.

      Teepä se, voisin mäkin tehdä kanssa. Tosin sinun listasi olisi vakuuttavampi. :D

      Musikaali kuussa riittää, ja käy jopa budjetille sopivasti! :D


  2. Love the fact that the first musical you fell in love with was PotO as well! It was mine :) That title song is one of the perfect musical theatre songs ever. It immediately got me hooked (I'm not even going to begin to guess how many times I've listened to that song...).

    Incidentally, I saw Gina as Christine too (in 2008 that was but still) and she was incredible! I saw her as Glinda in 'Wicked' three weeks back and she actually has the perfect voice for the part not to mention that she looks like Glinda. I met her at the stage door briefly afterwards and she was such a lovely person as well :)

    1. Oh, how sweet! :) Like the old commercial of add of PotO said, you will never forget your first time. It's one of the most magical nights of my life. And I love Overture! I get always chills when I'm listening to it. It's so beautiful. The whole score is one of the most amazing I've ever heard!

      I saw Gina in 2010 and I'd do anything to see her as Glinda. But my parents said that I can't go to London before she leaves Wicked, so I'm kinda sad. :( It's one of my dreams to meet Gina someday. She seems to be so lovely person! I'm glad that you've met her. Wish I could do that someday too.
